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Seth C. Lewis is a doctoral candidate in the School of Journalism and the Mike Hogg Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, where he studies the changing contexts for media production in the digital age. His primary research interest is the sociology of journalism, as a professional institution and occupational identity, amid the challenges posed by participatory culture. He has additional interests in blogging, citizen journalism, framing analyses, and media economics.

His work has been published (or is forthcoming) in peer-reviewed journals including Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journalism, Journalism Studies, Journalism Practice, and Newspaper Research Journal. He has won top-paper honors at the student and faculty levels, and in 2009 he was awarded the Mass Communication and Society Division Research Award—a $5,000 grant for his dissertation proposal, “Whither Professionalism in Journalism? Competing Logics of Media Work in an Age of Digitization and Innovation.”

As a journalist, Lewis was assistant sports editor at The Miami Herald, where he began as a copy editor and page designer in 2002. He has worked in the media for much of the past 15 years, since beginning as a 16-year-old reporter for his hometown newspaper in suburban Portland, Ore. His writing has appeared in more than a dozen newspapers and magazines.

As an instructor of record, Lewis teaches an upper-division course on blogging, social media, and news innovation. Building on his MBA experience, he is equipped to teach in the area of media management, entrepreneurship, and marketing, in addition to journalism courses such as digital media and society, reporting and writing, news editing, and sports writing.

Contact: seth.lewis [at]

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